Наконец то новости от Трипеп , надо перевести как следует, но вроде что то продвинулось
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Tripep received the approval from the Swedish Medical Products Agency and the local ethical committee to give three patients in the highest dose group in the ChronVac-C® study one additional treatment with the therapeutic vaccine. All twelve patients in the study have earlier received four treatments with ChronVac-C® given at three different doses and one month apart. The highest dose was given to six patients. Three patients in the high dose group will now be offered to receive a fifth therapeutic vaccination with ChronVac-C® 6 to 12 months after the last vaccination before receiving standard of therapy with interferon and ribavirin. The purpose is to determine if there are beneficial effects from additional so called booster-doses. The three patients will be followed for one month after the fifth therapeutic vaccination where after they also receive standard of therapy
Tripep develops drugs against chronic disease based on proprietary and other parties' patented and patent pending technologies. Tripep is focusing on the following research projects; wound healing therapy ChronSeal and a therapeutic vaccine against Hepatitis C, named ChronVac-C®, plus the RAS® technology platform. The Tripep share is admitted to trade on First North. Remium AB is Certified Adviser for Tripep AB. For more information, please refer to the company's Website: wwwtripep.se.
In the event of any discrepancy between the Swedish and English versions of this press release, the Swedish version will take precedence.
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Contact: Tripep AB
Anders Vahlne, CEO and Head of Research
Tel: +46 8 5858 1313
Mobile Phone: +46 709 28 05 28
E-mail: anders.vahlne@ki.se