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Поделиться12009-07-06 10:32:11
Поделиться22009-07-07 22:32:40
интересноэто знак вселеной на мою заявку. котоую написла в другой теме.
Is the "Law Of Attraction" just hype?
show details 8:35 PM (1 hour ago) Reply
Make The Law Of Attraction Work For YOU!
If you are like me then you were probably blown
away when you first watched the movie "The Secret"
that came out a few years ago.
In fact, I believe that the law of attraction and
NLP go hand-in-hand.
Yet, even after "The Secret" and the law of attraction
touched so many lives - we are now faced with the most
challenging economic condition seen since the Great
This has lead many people to question whether or not
the law of attraction is just hype.
To get the most out of the law of attraction I highly
encourage you to learn from Bob Proctor (from the
movie "The Secret").
He has an incredible course called "The 11 Forgotten
Laws" that you can see here:
http://www.rapidnlp.com/recommends/11la … Eq.vyP1kva
At that site you will find a great letter about what
is happening in today's economy and how the law of
attraction (and the 11 forgotten laws) will benefit YOU.
And I love at the end of the letter where Bob says,
"don't let your present good be the enemy of the better."
Don't settle!
Sincerest Regards,
Tim Tarango
PS. Bob Proctor offers a ton of value in his course.
Highly recommended!