В старинных лечебниках можно прочесть о чудо-ягоде, которая продлевает жизнь, возвращает больным силы, заживляет раны, успокаивает нервы. Это ягода – черная бузина, растение, которое действительно может творить чудеса.

Сироп для здоровья
Ягоды зрелые имеют чёрную окраску и блестящую поверхность, отрывают от веточек и хорошо промывают, дают стечь воде. В тёмную стеклянную банку или бутыль заполняют ягодами с сахаром -слоями: нижний и верхний слой - сахар. Закрывают и оставляют в прохладном тёмном месте (можно в холодильнике) до тех пор, пока ягоды пустят сок и сахар растворится (лучше выдержать до трёх месяцев). Затем сироп сливают и ягоды отжимают. Сироп готов.


Medicinal Use
In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study, elderberry was shown to be effective for treating Influenza B.[3] People using the elderberry extract recovered much faster than those only on a placebo. This is partially due to the fact that Elderberry inhibits neuraminidase, the enzyme used by the virus to spread infection to host cells.[citation needed]

A small study published five years ago showed that 93% of flu patients given extract were completely symptom-free within two days; those taking a placebo recovered in about six days. This current study shows that, indeed, it works for type A flu, reports lead researcher Erling Thom, with the University of Oslo in Norway.[4]

Thom's findings were presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Antiviral Research.

The study involved 60 patients who had been suffering with flu symptoms for 48 hours or less; 90% were infected with the A strain of the virus, 10% were infected with type B. Half the group took 15 milliliters of extract or and the other group took a placebo four times a day for five days.

Patients in the extract group had "pronounced improvements" in flu symptoms after three days: Nearly 90% of patients had complete cure within two to three days. Also, the extract group had no drowsiness, the downside of many flu treatments. The placebo group didn't recover until at least day six; they also took more painkillers and nasal sprays.

It's likely that antioxidants called flavonoids—which are contained in the extract—stimulate the immune system, writes Thom. Also, other compounds in elderberry, called anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory effect; this could explain the effect on aches, pains, and fever.

Elderberry extract could be an "efficient and safe treatment" for flu symptoms in otherwise healthy people and for those with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, Thom adds.

Russell Greenfield, MD, a leading practitioner of integrative medicine and medical director of Carolinas Integrative Health, advocates treating flu with black elderberry, he says in a news release. "It can be given to children and adults, and with no known side effects or negative interactions," he says.

"But don't expect grandma's elderberry jam" to ease flu symptoms like body aches, cough, and fever, he warns. "Extract is the only black elderberry preparation shown effective in clinical studies."

http://www.google.co.uk/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUK346&=&q=elderberry&btnG=Google Search&meta=lr=&aq=f&oq=